Want to know how to make money on youtube? Can you have a simple video? ... If yes, then you can make money with youtube. Making money on youtube is important, videos and somehow always your video (s) to rank well. If you can somehow these two together (youtube video) in a way that it use a person, business or website, then you can easily make money with you tube. Fortunately, you do not have to come up with ideas on your own. Here is a straight forward step by step method you can use to make money on youtube.
This method is about at the local level, but if you master this method you can take it to the next level and go national as well. But if you want to get your share on youtube fast money, focus on your local area. Normally, local ranking for a keyword is much easier, and that is why this method works best with local companies. We are YouTube videos to rank well for the keyword, there are YouTube videos of hot and easy to rank for their keywords. Here's what you need to make money with YouTube have:
How to make money on YouTube

Find a local businessThe first step is to make money with youtube to find a local business. It does not matter what kind of business, it could be a restaurant, a car repair shop, a hairdresser, a bar, a thrift store or whatever. But this method works best with companies that can be best presented visually. Suggests for this guide, choose a local bar.
Make a video of the companyGo to the bar owner and tell him or her that you take a free promotional video for cash for and upload it to YouTube to help him win more business, if it you turn a short video of his bar allows. Most local businesses have no problem with that. In fact, they will be happy for you to advertise their business free connection.
Remove the bag and shoot a short video from the bar and what its all about. Be creative, you want to make it as interesting as possible. You might ask the owner to any event they can, like a karaoke night or free beer for ladies night or what you have to plan and to capture your video in the night, as people have fun and be happy and blah blah blah shoot. Remember, you want people to come to this place.
But what if you do not have a camcorder or a video cannot turn to for some reason? Do not worry, you can just a few pictures of the bar and the crowd. Capture what is known about this place in a few pictures. Keep it simple and short.
Make a slideshowUse a free transform tool like Animoto to put your photos into a professional video slide show. You can also use this tool to enhance your video (if you are able to video shoot were) and do it professionally. You can add music, captions and etc. The free tool you can easily create professional looking slideshows crate. You do not have a geek to work with this thing.
Important: Do not forget to include your name, website, phone number or other information held in the beginning and the end of the video, this is how people can find you if it is to be made a similar video for their business. This is how you make your money!
Upload your video on YouTubeNow, take your video / slide show and upload it to YouTube. Finally, the question was how to make money on youtube! To get the most out of your YouTube video, use rich keywords that describe the video, such as local bars in Chicago, best bar in Chicago, bar in Chicago, ...Next, write a very clear summary of the Bar and what it is all about. Just write a review of the bar and link to the bar on the site, have Twitter page, Facebook page, etc. Most companies and a site and a page on most major social networking sites these days. If your bar has not targeted, you just have to find another opportunity to earn some money, offer a simple website and Facebook fan page to create or whatever. But that requires another article. Let's focus back on what we did.
Build a couple of back links to your videoLike many other money making methods that are promoted online, make money with youtube require a little link building. Although in most cases you do not do much. Like I said, ranking is locally simple. So your video with good keywords and description is likely to rank highly for their keywords. But to be on the safe side, you can get some back links to build the video, so there is a higher rank. All you have to do is write a few articles on bars and a link back to your video (of course with your keyword as anchor text) and put a couple of top article directories. You can also use your video to other video sites.
The participants keep an eye on each otherThis is all based on one very important fact, competitors keep an eye on each other. So, your video will soon be seen by other local bars. Want and how any reasonable competitor would want to do, they would, based on the video. This is where to play your company info at the beginning and end of the video is.
Do you have clientsGet ready for calls from local bars you want to pay to make a video for them to get them to promote their business. It really is that simple. Do not make it too complicated for you, just do it. You can always move things around them, and changes here and there. You will learn as you go along. The most important thing is to get started.

Remember, you do not have to limit yourself to bars, you can use this method for any other local business use, as long as you can make a video of it and it on youtube. This is a method that I used and still with me. I work as a floor layer and have my own online business. I used this method himself and soon I was always calls from other floor installers who wanted me to do the same for her (she did not know I was the owner of the company, which advertised lol in the video).
I also want to emphasize only on keeping it simple. Its all about taking action. This can make a real easy way to make money from the sale of your online video marketing services. Now you know how to make money on Youtube.